Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dearest and loveliest readers,

Today is absolutely atrocious! I woke up feeling slightly dizzy and my eyes were all confuzzled, so I am wearing my glasses today. Ugh. ALSO, tornado sirens have gone off 5 times (that’s right, I counted) this morning ever since I came to work. Outside my convenient little window, I spy with my little eye some very dark and ominous clouds as well as a very angry pine tree that is being whipped with strong winds and serious rain. Warnings are being extended until 12:45 this afternoon, which is horrible because I need to leave a tad early today in order to go to a lecture that starts at 1:00…


Hopefully the weather will behave itself in another 20 minutes so I can pack my bag and be off in a huff. No weather is going to ruin my day, especially tornados! But never fear, I asked someone if they would be willing to give me a ride, so hopefully that turns out! No walking in the lethal weather for me!

Story time!

My birthday this weekend was fabulous. I had delicious birthday cake, compliments of the awesome mumma unit, and tasty Chinese food for dinner with the hall-mates. Funny story about dinner, the owners of the Chinese restaurant have a young daughter and it was her birthday too! So the entire place was decorated with balloons. Of course my friends took the opportunity to (jokingly) exclaim that they had called in advance to have the place decorated for my birthday. I also got to wear the “another year of fabulous” shawl! Squee!

Oh great, that’s the 6th tornado siren. Jeeze, Mother Nature is not in my favor today (grumbles).

I shall count the minutes I have remaining until my ‘drenching’ departure.
Until next time! Stay dry and cozy!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

His Holiness

D-d-dearest R-r-r-readers,

Y-y-you may b-b-be wondering w-w-why I am t-t-t-typing like this. It’s b-b-b-because I am f-f-f-freezing!

This morning was atrociously cold, so I wore my heavy winter pea coat. I thought I might be rather warm in the office so I only wore a t-shirt underneath. Wrong move Piper….wrong move. So I clock in, hang my coat up in the closet across the hall, start up my computer, make my rounds and see how the ladies are doing, then settle down and begin working. By this point I am still warm from my quick hike from my dorm to my work building (I tend to walk really really quickly, everyone yells at me for it).

A half an hour passes….and suddenly I am discovering goose-bumps on my arms and I am tucking my ice cube hands underneath my legs for warmth. So I fetch my coat and one of the ladies at work let me borrow their blanket, which is apparently THE work blanket. So here I am, sitting at my desk in my heavy pea-coat with a blanket on my lap. You’d think someone would take a hint….


Anyway, today will actually be a really good day! The Dalai Lama is speaking at our University today and we are all honored to have him here. I actually saw him meandering about the campus with his fellow monks (although, I highly doubt the Dalai Lama “meanders”, rather, I bet he is gracefully gliding across the concrete surface of the sidewalks). Nevertheless I am extremely excited for his speech! It will be an eye-opening experience for us all.

I am counting down the days until my birthday. Only three more days until I am no longer a teenager! I will be a solid 20 years old……….yikes. It just feels like it’s going to be an extremely awkward age. BUT, not only is it my birthday, it is also the boyfriends and my 1 year anniversary! :) Apparently, wonderful things are going to happen on that day, and I am like an extremely impatient child waiting for Santa to come with all his presents. Arggggg Sunday needs to come sooner!

Story time!

Yesterday was a pretty odd day. One could tell that everyone needed….space. People were planning things for the weekend without mentioning it to anyone else, people are supposedly visiting, people want to go places because they’re bored, etc. Everyone was kind of getting fed up with one another, which happens, and the boyfriend and I are just looking at all this chaos and shaking our heads. Our friends are REALLY weird sometimes, but the boyfriend needed a breather too and wanted to play Halo, so I went to do some homework. Afterwards we went to dinner, came back and watched Hellboy II, and then later watched the t.v. show called “Modern Family”, it was absolutely hilarious!

Today I am crossing my fingers and hoping that people will be cooperative. Maybe the Dalai Lama will calm them down.

I still need costume ideas! Ohmbegoodness.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tea Spoon and Tablespoon

Oh, hello there!
Allow me to blow the dust and cobwebs off of this journal entry….the spiders are quite friendly I promise. I can’t speak for the dust bunnies though, they are quite vicious.

Anyway! It has been a long weekend, but of course it wasn’t quite long enough. All our friends went home for the short holiday leaving the boyfriend and me to ponder what we should do with ourselves. So we ventured to a local Art Museum and spent many an hour there, afterwards we went to Steak & Shake and ate lunch and shared a strawberry shake (d’awww). The next couple days he introduced me to Halo Reach, and let me tell you, it was absolutely fantastic! I am quite good at that game, not as good as him though. But it was fun to lose myself in a video game again, whilst squealing and freaking out at every alien that tried to shoot me. I think the boyfriend got more amusement out of me rather than the game for a while.

There have been several story ideas flittering about my head these past couple days. One actually started with the boyfriend’s help. We were cuddling and talking about me possibly writing children’s stories someday, and then that lead to us joking about how I was such a tiny and thin person and how he was taller, which led to spooning, which then lead to the final outcome. The epic tale of tea spoon and tablespoon!

You see, teaspoon was so tiny. And tablespoon was so big. And they were the best of friends. One day they found a bowl of sugar and thought they would have a contest to see who could hold more. Of course tablespoon won, he was so big after all. Teaspoon was both jealous and envious of tablespoon and how much sugar he could hold, but he looked at her and said, “It doesn’t matter how much sugar we can hold. Like me, you are filled to the brim with sweetness.” And so teaspoon and tablespoon rejoiced, and lived happily ever after.

We were quite proud of our imaginations for that children’s story. It is a silly story, but it’s still something we thought of together. :)

Yesterday was a meeting with my Shakespeare professor, and oh my goodness she is amazing! We were discussing all the plays and how they relate to each other etc. and professing our undying love for Shakespeare. It was so much fun and I am glad I got the chance to have a tête à tête with her. Then at 2:15 I had a microbiology test that was 40 multiple choice questions and was composed of almost all the quiz questions we had done online. Go figure. But I over studied and caught all of his sneaky questions, so ha! Take that microbes! Cross your fingers for an “A”!

Today is working at my unfamiliar desk again, with that confounded pine tree in my window. Today I have to write and edit several things for our upcoming magazine. It comes out twice a year so I have to be on top of all the news that comes in to my inbox. The only problem is its freezing back here! I can tell you from personal experience that it is hard to type a hundred miles a minute when your phalanges are icicles. Ugh. Somehow I always manage.

I came into work today thinking my bff would be here, and I had completely forgotten that she had had her last day of work last week. It was not a pleasant surprise. Which reminds me! I still have to write to her and see how she is doing with her new job and see how she has settled in.

The weather is getting colder and colder. I dread the winter if it is already this cold in October. Yikes. It is time to bundle up in the infamous micro-fleece blanket and sip hot chocolate while eating my friend’s pumpkin bread.

Halloween is coming up! Any costume ideas? Leave a comment!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

You say goodbye I say hello

‘Ello lovelies!

Today is basically my last day of nonsense. I have no class today (woot!) but I do have work and I have to meet with my academic advisor to make sure I am on the right track with classes and ask a bunch of ridiculous questions (as I am known to do). Today is also lunch date with the parents day!

I discovered something QUITE shocking today. My bff at work is leaving! She got a spectacular new job offer and is super excited for it. I couldn’t be more happy for her, but at the same time I am going to miss her terribly. Let us hope she visits soon!

Also, at work today, I have been moved! My desk/computer is no longer positioned in the middle of everything and everyone going about their business. I am now in the back of the building across from my new boss who is the sweetest woman in the world. Unfortunately she is not here today so I am adjusting to the new surroundings. I have my own desk! It still has a lot of folders and papers that need to stay here, otherwise it is my personal workspace with a tiny window, which I can only see a bit of blue sky, a tad of a tree losing its orange leaves, and a big ol’ pine tree that is parked RIGHT in front of the window. Ugh. Pine trees. They should not be classified as a lawn decoration, or a window decoration for that matter. Elizabeth Bennet would not be happy with Mr. Darcy if her ‘fine prospects’ were blocked by a mean ol’ pine tree.

Fall Break is almost here! I am so excited!

Everyone in our corridor will be gone, can you say ‘huzzah?’ All the noise makers will be home for the three day weekend, allowing the boyfriend and me some relaxation and cuddle time. The weekend will mainly consist of: going to an art museum together, watching movies, playing video games, and some study time mixed in somewhere. I am uber excited to sleep in and not have weird noises above my head when I am trying to go to sleep at 11:30. Yay for being on the top bunk and being closest to the ceiling and hearing every little thing that happens. Literally.

Story time!

A friend of ours made “Buffalo Chicken Wing Dip” last night, and let me tell you…it was amazing! It tasted exactly how it sounds. Amazing. The boyfriend approved as well. Then he curled up next to me and fell asleep. I love watching that boy sleep, he is absolutely adorable. (wiggles)

I am starving. I shall now scavenge for some sustenance.

Happy Thursday everyone!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Applesauce is a God-sent

That's right my friends, there is nothing quite like a mini MOTT'S original applesauce. It came right out of the refrigerator so it's perfectly chilled and golden deliciousness. The only thing that bugs me is the fact that the label has the list of ingredients, preventing you from believing you are indeed having a nutritious and healthy snack.

INGREDIENTS: Apples (orly?), High Frutose Corn Syrup (oh crud), water, ascorbic acid, and a teensie weensie bit of vitamin C.

Curse you and your 4oz of apple sugar goodness.

Mmk, enough about apple sauce....

On to the day and all its splendors!

So last night I got done looking through my first round of microbiology, and everyone left the room after watching Glee. So I curled up on the boyfriend's bed and snuggled there for a while until the boyfriend comes to join me. Before you know it, we are both sound asleep. Literally. The next thing I remember is his roommate closing their incredibly squeaky door and it was 12:30. Gracious! So I hurriedly skee-daddled out of the room (much to my disappointment) leaving the boyfriend fast asleep (adorable!) and crawled into my own bed.

Today was quite literally, awesome. I was on top of my game today. I was taking excellent notes and paying attention to every little detail. No caffeine involved! So I am taking advantage of my alertness today and getting some things done just so I can lighten the load a bit. Definitely less stressed today, but it's still back there, clawing at my brain whispering "procrastinate, I dare you..."

Speaking of which, I best be off to go and get some work done. In the mean time, watch this!

TTFN (ta ta for now)


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm stressed. (Go figure)

There is so much going on within the next couple weeks that I am chewing on my ponytail over. So much is due the day AFTER my birthday (tres convenient) and I will have to get most if not all of it done beforehand so I have that weekend available to celebrate with friend and family. Boo!

I have to meet with my academic advisor, confront a couple of my professors with questions that I have, study for a evil microbiology exam, read an extremely long and difficult play, etc etc etc.

I wish I could wave a wand and make it all go away. Unfortunately that is not how the world works and I will just have to hunker down and study my brain lobes off. I truly am having a difficult time managing all the aspects of my life this year. I want to spend time with the boyfriend, I want to get good grades, I want to hang out with friends, I need to study in advance for things else I won't do well (I have learned this), I have to complete homework, remember dance moves......

Oh to be a teenager and to be smothered with papers and exams. I have just one thing to say to that: "Go Away!"

This "fall break" can't come soon enough. Although I have a lot happening after fall break, I will be delighted to have a chance to take a few days of and actually breathe. Right now, there is a lot of suffocating activity about.

As for stories....

Never try the "Nantucket Nectars" lemonade. It is quite gross. Blech. But that is just my personal opinion.

I also do not feel like going to Swing Dancing tonight, tonight is Blues dancing and that is quite...disturbing in an elegant way. You're just kind of flinging yourself onto your partner like a ragdoll and going along with their movements. Do. Not. Like.

I had better finish this rant before it gets out of hand, unless it already has. Le Gasp!

Hope you are having a stress-free day


Monday, October 11, 2010

Cat In The Box

Don't Panic! I am perfectly okay.

I am sporting a tiny square band-aid on my chin due to a mis-hap in my physics today after Shakespeare class. Class was over, everyone was packing up, and who would have thought my hand would curse my pencil and pursue to stab me on the outside of my chin. Ouchie. Regardless to say I look quite dashing with a blatantly obvious (redundant) brown patch stuck to my face. It doesn't hurt, but I did take a good chunk of skin off. Cross your fingers for no scarring! Praise the holy 'Neosporin'.

The weekend was SUPER fun! Starting off with Friday, the boyfriend and I (finally) got a chance to have some time to ourselves and went out to dinner and a movie. Then we came back and snuggled for a bit until all our friend came back from the college hockey game and felt the need to fill us in on every detail about our winning. Friends, gotta love 'em.

Then Saturday the boyfriend started his morning bright and early at 5 o'clock so that he and the Academic Team of our college could embark upon a 3 hour drive to their quizbowl. Meanwhile I was all snuggly and warm under my micro-fleece blanket until about 10:00am. I designated Saturday a non-homework day and did absolutely nothing but relax and enjoy the internet and a good nap. Then after my nap I took a long walk to CVS just for the heck of it and saw that they had super cheap makeup and decided to purchase three new lipsticks for $3.00! The colors are excellent and they are super cute. I got a nice rosey pink color, a deep berry color that you can dress up or down, as well as a nice burgundy for the rare little black dress occasions. When the boyfriend returned at 10 in the evening he filled me in on the events that took place that day and how the tournament was, driving an 8-person van, etc. It sounded like he had a blast and the team did very well. Kudos! I'm so proud of them!

Sunday was homework day..... yeah, not a whole lot happened yesterday. It felt like Saturday to me, so this morning's alarm came as quite the shocker when I realized that today was actually school week. Blast! The good thing is, this looks like it will be a pretty light week in terms of homework and whatnot. I need to begin studying for Microbiology as well as beating the snot out of Shakespeare's 'King Richard III'. I will conquer this ridiculous play!
At the end of the week, us students have Fall Break! My break begins Thursday because our Creative Writing professor will not be there, and that is the only class I have that day, so.... early break time! Squee!

I tripped across this video today in an endeavor to cheer myself up a bit. And this was the perfect medicine. I love all of Simon Tofield's work, they make me giggle and smile no matter how many time I watch them. If you are looking for some cuteness in your life today, I highly suggest this:

If that does not show up and or play, follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKvNqe8cKU4

The mumma baked cookies for me and I am enjoying them WAY too much. I am sitting here at my desk drinking a FUZE Gogi Wild Berry drink and munching on chocolate chip cookies. I am SO NOT a college student (cough hack wink snort).

Story Time!

Real quick, I wanted to mention that the other night our suite mates bought Pumpkin Ice cream from the market. Oh my goodness it is delightful! We were all squealing excitedly about how it tastes like pumpkin in a cup, which it is. Go out and try it!

Until next time my lovelies!


Friday, October 8, 2010


This is positively the funniest thing I have EVER seen.



Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thank you Mr. President

Last night I dreamt that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton were taking a select 12 people from our school on a tour of a railway station in Washington D.C. (Do not ask me why or how I dreamt this.) Whilst we were taking this tour I discovered a kitten hanging off of a hanging cable above the area where the trains would come in. I started freaking out for said kitten, but the Clintons reassured me that it was normal. Normal indeed. This cat would ‘meow’ whenever a train was due to come in as well as when it would take off. It was practically a conductor!

I am just one of those people who have the oddest of dreams every now and then. My boyfriend would say that I have weird dreams all the time, but dreams are supposed to be weird. I just have REALLY weird ones that make absolutely no sense once in a while; most of the time I have dreams that I can peel apart and see how I came up with each of the characters/places.

Aside from the whacky pillow dream, this morning I got up and got ready for work. Just as I was getting ready to get going I heard a chirp from my phone signaling I got a text. It was from the boyfriend asking if I had left yet and if not if I would like to join him on a walk. So he walked me part of the way to work, the sweetheart. :) He embarked on a journey to seek a new powercord for his Macbook. The poor thing gave out. So hopefully his quest is successful!

Tomorrow is “date night” for the two of us. I am incredibly excited because he’s been so busy and so stressed this week, so hopefully some good food, a movie and quality time with the girlfriend will be a nice breather for the two of us.

In the meantime I have to study for a ridiculous midterm tomorrow. Our teacher decided NOT to quiz us over what we have been reading and discussing for the past 7 weeks, but decided to quiz us over NEW material that spans out over a couple hundred pages and involves two plays I have never even heard of in my entire life! It’s ridiculous! Ugh… hopefully he will be kind to us and give us simple questions regarding the characters and the plot rather than tiny tid-bits that no one will possibly remember. (Rant = over)

It’s work day, and I forgot to bring my breakfast. Again. For some reason I convince myself that I do not need anything else as I am leaving the dorm room, yet when I am half-way walking to work I realize I forgot to bring my granola bar. So animal crackers will have to suffice today, as well as a few M&Ms.

Let’s hope I survive this mid-term and have a fabulous date night!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Many Happy Returns!

Guess what?

It is someone's birthday. A very SPECIAL FANTABUOLOUS EXTRAVAGANT LOVELY PRIDE & PREJUDICE JOHNNY DEPP STAR WARS someone. That someone would be my very best friend Birdy! She has been there for me ever since 6th grade and I am the honored to be her "Tree" while she is my "Birdy". :) We are two pees in a pod. In fact, I found a picture just for her:

Top that! Two peas in a pod on top of a cupcake. How could you not want that for your best friend's birthday?

Our classic story takes place in the early days of middle school after we met. It was picture day, and of course I wore a fancy green top that had long bell sleeves and celtic ties. With that I wore brown pants. The first thing Birdy said to me was, "You look like a tree." From that moment on I was formally known as the "tree" to her. Since she was my best bud, I wanted to give her a nickname too, something that associated itself with trees. After a few trials between "squirrel" and "leaf" we then thought of birds. "Birdy" was born.
To this day (and quite possibly for the rest of our lives) we refer to each other as "tree" and "birdy". It's a wonderful story and it has been the most precious of friendships---No one could ever replace you my dear. Not only do you understand all my oddities and weird moments, but you also play along with them! Now that is companionship.

I hope Birdy has the very best of birthdays. If you are reading this and it is also your birthday, I wish you all the very best! Be sure to blow out all your candles and make a heart-felt wish.

As a (very) random side-note, Sun Chips are positively the best things ever. Om nom nom nom nom nom nom

Ugh so tired. I had a very random dream last night as well as a restless neck, which has been sore all day due to my weird sleeping position last night. Wah. All the more reason for me to finish this quick little smidgen of my daily life and hit the sheets.

More stories next time!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Deny thy granola and refuse thy breakfast!

Dearest Blog,

Today started off like any other day. My alarm screeched at 8:15 a.m. and I clambered down from my perch and got ready for the day. It was absolutely freezing outside but luckily I wore a good knit sweater and brought a jacket along with me. Chance favors the prepared mind my friends. ;)

My curls are sorta kinda still there, leaving me with a small whispering reminder of the spontaneous fun I had yesterday. I am also wearing my new shoes from the shopping excursion I had with the mother unit this Sunday. The best way to describe them would be “ankle boots”. The brand is “Madden Girl” and they have a nice heel and have a cute button on the outside. Let me tell you, for high heel shoes they are the most comfortable things EVER! It’s like walking in marshmallows. Literally.

Tonight I shall have to concentrate my mental energy into my German Fairytales. I’m pretty confident that it will be an easy exam (knock on wood). Tonight will also have a nice break that will consist of the “Lindy Hop” at Swing dancing with the boyfriend. He told me that it is one of the most exciting dances that they do, and they keep practicing it for about 6 weeks because it’s so popular. The club only meets once a week at 8:00 and goes until 9:00 and it’s a fun way to spend time with the boyfriend and do something together. :) Being a dance partner with your significant other is a nice feeling.

Story time!

Unfortunately this morning was not one of my shining moments. I forgot to pack my breakfast in my tote, so I am running on a handful of M&Ms from one of the ladies’ desk and a bottle of water, which I packed with me whilst I headed out the door…without my breakfast. Go Piper! You successfully managed to remember the water but not the granola bar. Wah.

So with a growling stomach—which is not happy with me at the present moment—I sit here and watch as all the ladies pile into the kitchen and catch whiffs of the lunch they are warming up in the microwave. Not cool guys. Not cool.
Newsflash, my bff at work just gave me some amazing zucchini bread, and it has the exact same consistency of banana bread. It’s fantastic! Many hugs to her!

Well that is all for now folks. Let’s hope the weather improves and doesn’t look as cold and gray!


Monday, October 4, 2010

A Viking?


My brain has officially been rendered to the consistency of cottage cheese. I put all my mental energy into my Shakespeare Test today and it certainly paid off. My professor asked A LOT of questions where she would have a quote from one of the three plays and you had to identify the play the quote came from, the character saying it, and the emphasis it has on the overall play. Whew. Then we had to write 3 essays. Double whew.

So this evening will be spent reviewing some German Fairytales as well as watching a Disney movie, something that requires little attention and not a lot of mind power. For dinner tonight they will be serving meatloaf.... not too exciting. Campus meatloaf kind of scares me. But they have carrot cake which is one of my favorites!!!

It seems the boyfriend shall be busy throughout this week, even this weekend, so I am trying to decide what to do with my free time. I really need to write more in my novel because I left my characters in a horrible place (as always) so they are probably extremely impatient with me and want their happily ever after. Time to roll up the sleeves and sharpen the quill!

I just got done curling my hair. I currently look like Shirley Temple (but with longer locks) but when the curls settle down a bit it will look nice. Why did I do it? Just for fun. I was done with classes and I studied for my Wednesday test and I took a shower, thus I decided to do something for me. Bravo! All my suite-mates said it looked lovely and that I should do it more often. We'll have to see how much effort I actually want to put into my hair. ;)

Ugh... this weather change is killing my head. Whenever mother nature decides to switch up the degrees I become sensitive to it and get a evil headache. All I have to say is thank goodness for Tylenol Extra Strength! It's my savior.

Looks like the rommie is still sick. She had a misfortune today with the schools ravioli. Boo. :( Cross for fingers for her swift recovery! This poor girl can't catch a break!

Story Time!

I ran into a good friend of mine from high school today. Formally known as "The Viking" since he strongly resenbles one. He has a long ponytail and the beginnings of a beard and very european features, thus why everyone considered him a Viking. We had a nice little lunch before he had to go to class, it was awesome to catch up with an old friend. There's nothing quite like a trip down memory lane.

Well, time for me to crack open the books and take another stab at my Fairytales.

Talk to you all again soon!


Sunday, October 3, 2010


Yes hobbits.

I went to the Apple Butter festival yesterday with the boyfriend and his father (for a great lack of things to entertain him with) and you would not believe the dedication and love these country folk have for this festival. I'm telling you, it's as if I stepped right into Hobbiton in Middle Earth. Pinch me I'm dreaming. All these folk were smoking pipes and laughing and sharing stories and eating kettle-korn as though it were their last meal. I was expecting a very tall man with a beard and a pointed gray hat to put a hand on my shoulder as ask if I would like to attend his fireworks show. Only in my dreams with Gandalf appear out of nowhere like that. But seriously! Instead of Gandalf there was a man with an awesome mustache and feather hat. He was carving wood figurines and sitting in a little wooden hut while local Native Americans put on their ritual attire and danced and sang for the crowd. It was fantastic!

Then we went to the movies and watched "Wall Street" as well as "The Social Network". Two movies is way too much for me, but it was the only thing we could think of. We have been to every possible meal with the boyfriend's father and I swear I put on 10lbs just from eating all of this off-campus food. Wah.

This morning we attended a very early breakfast with the boyfriend's father at a local cafe. I had a chocolate chip pancake and it was positively heaven. So light and fluffy and chocolaty. Yumm.

Later today I shall be going shopping with my mother unit! Woot! As much as I have been out of the dorm these past three days, I am excited to spend some time with my own DNA and have a good time shopping for shoes and clothes. It's a girl thing. :)

Story time!

The boyfriend decided to race me up the several flights of stairs after we got back from breakfast. So on a full belly I decided this was not the best of ideas, but went for it anyway. Needless to say he won, and I was all embarrassed and flustered. He swept me up into his arms and gave me a sweet kiss for my efforts. What a gentleman. (le sigh) <3

I shall be writing again soon! Be expecting some fun pictures to come up, fall is finally here and I want to share the beauty with you.

Much love to my readers


Friday, October 1, 2010

TGIF and Hakuna Matata

Salut! :)

Today is the end of the week. Today is the greatest hair day ever, it's silky and straight and soft and gorgeous! Today my skin looks flawless! Today...is also the day the boyfriends's father comes to visit for "parents weekend". Wah.

However I will be needing to spend some major time looking at Shakespeare for Monday's test, good enough excuse to get away? Definitely. :) It sounds like the boyfriend is getting a tad stressed with everything that is being tossed onto his plate. Judging from what he told me here is what's going down: He needs to learn how to drive an 8 person van because there aren't enough drivers for academic team. He needs to study for two huge exams next week, one of which is in a very difficult economics class. He is not looking forward to spending quality time with the parental unit this weekend, and next weekend the academic team is having its first tournament of the year.


I'll say. So this is one of those weekends where you smile, be supportive, and just give him as much space as possible.

In the mean time I will be there for him, but also studying for my own mid-term in Shakespeare. It sounds like it's going to be pretty simple, I just need to look over the three plays we read: 12th night, Taming of the Shrew, and All's Well. Remember the characters, their personalities, and really analyze the concept of "comedy". Other than that, it seems like it will be a pretty straightforward test. Woot!

Story time!

Okay, are you ready for this? Because this story encompasses TRUE dorm life.

First, there are these boys who live above us, and they ALWAYS sing in the shower. We can hear them each and every time (we are totally not creepers). My roommate and one of my suitemates decided to sing along with them because it was "Hakuna Matata" from the Lion King and...who wouldn't sing along? So we now communicate via "shower phone". :) Sometimes they answer back! It's pretty hysterical. And just a tad creepy.

Another fabulous occurrence was the massive wave of estrogen that dominated our room last night. We felt the need to be girly. So we turned on the radio and listened to the newest pop songs, sang along. Painted our nails fun colors, and talked about reality t.v. I left the reality t.v. talk up to my suite-mates because I refuse to watch reality t.v. However I did convert to a girlie-girl last night just for fun. And sure enough, whilst our nails were drying, my boyfriend's roommate walks in to our room, takes one whiff, and runs away. Who would have thought the smell of finger nail polish would be a male-repellent? ;)

That's all the shining glory I have to share for today, I will have to see how this evening goes. Wish the boyfriend and I luck!
