Dearest and most faithful readers,
Today is positively….
It seems Mother Nature has kicked herself into high gear and is producing frost in the mornings and cold air throughout the rest of the day. It doesn’t help when the building at work turns the air conditioning on …. Not cool guys, not cool.
Aside from the weather things around campus are also starting to kick into high gear. Teachers are becoming aware of the fact that it is almost time for Thanksgiving break. Which to them means: giving us students as much work as possible the week before, so that our brains become the consistency of cottage cheese before we can experience a week of relaxation? I implore you…. Who came up with this madness? That’s not cool either guys. Definitely not cool.
I have two major things on my agenda this week. One is a German Fairytales paper, where I have to analyze and discuss the significance of a element seen throughout fairytales. Such as towers, trees, animals, etc. I chose to do frogs. Best topic ever. I wrote to my professor asking if she thought this would be a fitting idea for a paper and then explained my thought process, she promptly replied with as much excitement and enthusiasm as humanly possible. Apparently I am on the right track. Second on my list of things to do is a ridiculous Shakespeare paper that will quite literally eat my soul. It has to be 6-8 pages analyzing a topic of our choice. Now, that automatically doesn’t sound so bad. But you have to realize that my teacher is incredibly difficult and extremely picky when it comes to Shakespeare, she takes it seriously. So I e-mailed her my paper ideas last night and she too promptly wrote back enthusiastically, giving me a few hints and tips on how to expand my ideas and make my paper work. So… me thinks I am on the right path this week, I just have to actually sit down and begin writing
Now that that rant is over, I absolutely must tell you about my crazy dream last night! Story time!
In my dream, I was in the T.V. show called “West Wing” with President Bartlet, Leo, C.J. Toby, Josh, Sam, everybody. I was there, in the hall way having some difficulty because I was experiencing intense abdominal pains. Sam is asking me what’s wrong, C.J. starts worrying and complaining that she’s going to miss her press conference, Toby is shaking his head quietly as always, Leo is exclaiming that we’re all standing around like a bunch of idiots, and then Josh comes running down the hall out of nowhere.
Now brace yourself, this next part gets REALLY weird. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
So Josh was running down the hall, pencil in hand, and he knocks me down and punctures my stomach with the pencil to release the trapped air. It works and there is no more pain or discomfort, I actually feel much better despite the pencil in my side, and President Bartlet is watching all of this saying we’re nuts. Which, to be perfectly honest, I have to agree with him. It was a nutty dream.
So aside from all the madness that is going on, there is also some serious watching of the “West Wing”. I borrowed the first two seasons from the parental units and I have been rendered to a squealing and giggly fan girl. It’s almost pathetic how much I adore this show. Almost. It has a brilliant script and a brilliant cast. In my eyes, nothing these days can come close to the brilliance of this show. Have I said “brilliant” enough yet? Well, it was brilliant.
Anyway I need to get back to my “typings” for the day.
Hope you are all as excited as I am about Thanksgiving Break! Share with me your fun plans/traditions and tell me a story.