Y-y-you may b-b-be wondering w-w-why I am t-t-t-typing like this. It’s b-b-b-because I am f-f-f-freezing!
This morning was atrociously cold, so I wore my heavy winter pea coat. I thought I might be rather warm in the office so I only wore a t-shirt underneath. Wrong move Piper….wrong move. So I clock in, hang my coat up in the closet across the hall, start up my computer, make my rounds and see how the ladies are doing, then settle down and begin working. By this point I am still warm from my quick hike from my dorm to my work building (I tend to walk really really quickly, everyone yells at me for it).
A half an hour passes….and suddenly I am discovering goose-bumps on my arms and I am tucking my ice cube hands underneath my legs for warmth. So I fetch my coat and one of the ladies at work let me borrow their blanket, which is apparently THE work blanket. So here I am, sitting at my desk in my heavy pea-coat with a blanket on my lap. You’d think someone would take a hint….
Anyway, today will actually be a really good day! The Dalai Lama is speaking at our University today and we are all honored to have him here. I actually saw him meandering about the campus with his fellow monks (although, I highly doubt the Dalai Lama “meanders”, rather, I bet he is gracefully gliding across the concrete surface of the sidewalks). Nevertheless I am extremely excited for his speech! It will be an eye-opening experience for us all.
I am counting down the days until my birthday. Only three more days until I am no longer a teenager! I will be a solid 20 years old……….yikes. It just feels like it’s going to be an extremely awkward age. BUT, not only is it my birthday, it is also the boyfriends and my 1 year anniversary! :) Apparently, wonderful things are going to happen on that day, and I am like an extremely impatient child waiting for Santa to come with all his presents. Arggggg Sunday needs to come sooner!
Story time!
Yesterday was a pretty odd day. One could tell that everyone needed….space. People were planning things for the weekend without mentioning it to anyone else, people are supposedly visiting, people want to go places because they’re bored, etc. Everyone was kind of getting fed up with one another, which happens, and the boyfriend and I are just looking at all this chaos and shaking our heads. Our friends are REALLY weird sometimes, but the boyfriend needed a breather too and wanted to play Halo, so I went to do some homework. Afterwards we went to dinner, came back and watched Hellboy II, and then later watched the t.v. show called “Modern Family”, it was absolutely hilarious!
Today I am crossing my fingers and hoping that people will be cooperative. Maybe the Dalai Lama will calm them down.
I still need costume ideas! Ohmbegoodness.
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