Today started off like any other day. My alarm screeched at 8:15 a.m. and I clambered down from my perch and got ready for the day. It was absolutely freezing outside but luckily I wore a good knit sweater and brought a jacket along with me. Chance favors the prepared mind my friends. ;)
My curls are sorta kinda still there, leaving me with a small whispering reminder of the spontaneous fun I had yesterday. I am also wearing my new shoes from the shopping excursion I had with the mother unit this Sunday. The best way to describe them would be “ankle boots”. The brand is “Madden Girl” and they have a nice heel and have a cute button on the outside. Let me tell you, for high heel shoes they are the most comfortable things EVER! It’s like walking in marshmallows. Literally.
Tonight I shall have to concentrate my mental energy into my German Fairytales. I’m pretty confident that it will be an easy exam (knock on wood). Tonight will also have a nice break that will consist of the “Lindy Hop” at Swing dancing with the boyfriend. He told me that it is one of the most exciting dances that they do, and they keep practicing it for about 6 weeks because it’s so popular. The club only meets once a week at 8:00 and goes until 9:00 and it’s a fun way to spend time with the boyfriend and do something together. :) Being a dance partner with your significant other is a nice feeling.
Story time!
Unfortunately this morning was not one of my shining moments. I forgot to pack my breakfast in my tote, so I am running on a handful of M&Ms from one of the ladies’ desk and a bottle of water, which I packed with me whilst I headed out the door…without my breakfast. Go Piper! You successfully managed to remember the water but not the granola bar. Wah.
So with a growling stomach—which is not happy with me at the present moment—I sit here and watch as all the ladies pile into the kitchen and catch whiffs of the lunch they are warming up in the microwave. Not cool guys. Not cool.
Newsflash, my bff at work just gave me some amazing zucchini bread, and it has the exact same consistency of banana bread. It’s fantastic! Many hugs to her!
Well that is all for now folks. Let’s hope the weather improves and doesn’t look as cold and gray!
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