It is someone's birthday. A very SPECIAL FANTABUOLOUS EXTRAVAGANT LOVELY PRIDE & PREJUDICE JOHNNY DEPP STAR WARS someone. That someone would be my very best friend Birdy! She has been there for me ever since 6th grade and I am the honored to be her "Tree" while she is my "Birdy". :) We are two pees in a pod. In fact, I found a picture just for her:

Top that! Two peas in a pod on top of a cupcake. How could you not want that for your best friend's birthday?
Our classic story takes place in the early days of middle school after we met. It was picture day, and of course I wore a fancy green top that had long bell sleeves and celtic ties. With that I wore brown pants. The first thing Birdy said to me was, "You look like a tree." From that moment on I was formally known as the "tree" to her. Since she was my best bud, I wanted to give her a nickname too, something that associated itself with trees. After a few trials between "squirrel" and "leaf" we then thought of birds. "Birdy" was born.
To this day (and quite possibly for the rest of our lives) we refer to each other as "tree" and "birdy". It's a wonderful story and it has been the most precious of friendships---No one could ever replace you my dear. Not only do you understand all my oddities and weird moments, but you also play along with them! Now that is companionship.
I hope Birdy has the very best of birthdays. If you are reading this and it is also your birthday, I wish you all the very best! Be sure to blow out all your candles and make a heart-felt wish.
As a (very) random side-note, Sun Chips are positively the best things ever. Om nom nom nom nom nom nom
Ugh so tired. I had a very random dream last night as well as a restless neck, which has been sore all day due to my weird sleeping position last night. Wah. All the more reason for me to finish this quick little smidgen of my daily life and hit the sheets.
More stories next time!
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