I am sure you are tired of hearing this but…. Sweet tap dancing Lord it’s cold! This morning it was approximately 10 F outside, which made for a spectacular walk to work. I’m sure it’s rather amusing to watch me tip-toe my way down the frozen sidewalks as to avoid any mishaps.
Things are going surprisingly smoothly as of late, I had my Shakespeare exam over the tragedies (King Richard III, King Richard II, Othello, Romeo & Juliet) and it was A LOT easier than the last exam (knock on wood) as well as my Microbiology oral presentation in front of the entire class So yesterday was very successful and I am actually getting ahead on things for finals next week, yay!
Story time!
Last Friday (the 3rd) the suitemates and I decided to have a fun Friday night and really do something spontaneous. We put on our warm winter clothes and quickly hurried uptown for the 7:30 showing of the movie Tangled. I had not seen this movie yet, and let me tell you….it was positively adorable and totally worth the money. I would actually pay to see it again in theatres! The plot was deliciously exciting, the characters both loveable and believable, and the overall animation was spectacular. I particularly loved the fact that they animated Rapunzel’s hair so that it wasn’t ridiculously straight and perfect, it had waves and stray hairs and it actually looked like real hair! Two thumbs up!
After we came back from the movie, the suitemates put in the Barbie version of “Princess and the Pauper”, and…I hate to say this…but…I actually enjoyed it. Just a tiny bit. I liked the songs a lot, but the animation was very poor and lacking. So I am saved by the fact that I am very picky about what I like in movies. To me, Barbie movies are like the next Land Before Time series, it will never end and they will just keep getting worse.
Last night seemed to be a confession night. One of our friends came over to our room and was venting about things that were clearly bothering her. So my roomie and I listened and talked her through her thought process and seemed to have given her a better view about things. We stayed up until about 1:45 and I think it certainly paid off. Not only did our friend vent, it seemed my roomie and I needed to as well. So we put all our frustrations and random thoughts out onto the table and squeezed the life out of them. It was truly beneficial to our sanity and I think we are all better off for it. This may sound weird, but it's kind of comforting to know that other people have frustrations too, it makes you feel like you are not alone and that you are not the only one struggling with internal thoughts. Ever feel that way?
That's kind of how we are, we will do anything for our friends. The knowledge of that makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, and it's comforting to know that we have such a strong and reliable circle of friends. Much love and kudos to them all!
Aside from all the fluff and stuff, everyone seems to be buckling down and finishing off this semester with a "okay, I'm done, can we go now?" sort of attitude. I'm starting to feel that way myself, however I don't actually say it out loud unlike other students.... SO, with only a couple days left of actual classes I am excited to finish this semester, have Christmas break and see family, friends, and loved ones, then start the next semester with new classes! Excitement!
Hope everyone's Christmas shopping is going well, I am desperately working on mine!
Good Luck!
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