The weather predicted snow, so we all whispered eagerly about it. And of course, it snows the next day and we are all jumping for joy and squealing as though we have never seen snow before. Unfortunately it is not like High School, where school would close at the very sight of snow. In college you have to bundle up and trudge your way across campus whether you like it or not. Alas!
So yesterday, when it snowed, I had a marvelous time catching snowflakes on my tongue and in my eyelashes. Quite the scenery. If I had had my camera with me at the time I would have posted some fun pictures for you all. Next time!
Today is just as cold, and ohmegoodness was it a fun walk to work this morning. It was one of those days where you wish your alarm clock didn’t exist, and you could just roll over and fall back asleep all curled up in your magical micro-fleece blanket. (le sigh) I woke up this morning with a fine dry cough and my nose completely stuffed up. Granted, I have had this thing coming on for a while now, but seriously, when I talk I sound like a nasally man. Not appreciated.
So I sit here with my box of tissues, patiently wrestling with this evil cold that has made my joints sore and my brain fuzzy. This may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it certainly comes at a price. Sheesh.
Aside from my immune-system misfortune, I am both surprised and glad to say that not a whole lot is going on. I have started prepping for finals and it seems finals week is going to be very kind to me (knock on wood). Therefore with all this nothingness I have to accomplish I am taking a little time for myself to recover and drink lots of orange juice.
(insert sneezing and sniffling here)
I get some serious brownie points for hauling my butt out of bed this morning and coming to work. Huzzah!
Hope you all are staying healthy and staying warm!

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