I made a pleasant discovery this morning when I scampered over to the kitchen here at work. Hidden in the cupboard were several boxes of hot chocolate! I asked if it was okay and everyone told me to go for it. So I took a packet and made myself a steaming cup of cocoa. Mmmmmm. It’s perfect for a day like this, and it seems to be a little reminder that Christmas is coming. I made the cocoa in my favorite mug, it’s a simple white mug with cute little strawberries painted all over it. It’s like the perfect combination, chocolate and strawberries! Yumm
Ever wonder why the bubbles in hot chocolate are rainbow colored rather than just clear? Someone should do a study on that.
My roomie and I watched several more Barbie movies yesterday…. We watched Rapunzel, the Nutcracker, and the Christmas Carol. It’s kind of sad how much fun we were having while putting in commentary as well as trying to sing along, it’s like we’ve turned into 9 year olds all over again. For some reason, they have very catchy plots that are both cute and enchanting. Despite the fact that they are cheesy Barbie movies, they are actually quite good. I know, I’m shocked to have discovered this. I gave the Barbie movies a chance and they won me over, confound it.
The remainder of the week shall mainly be focused on studying Microbiology for my exam on Monday, ugh; there is nothing worse than a Monday exam. But I shall pull through and studying my brains out up until that point.
I am writing profiles of people at work, and one lady sent in a magnificent letter about her life story. I’m not going to give any specifics for her own privacy, despite the fact she sent us this information so that we could post it in a magazine. So I just had to share this marvelous tale with you.
She did EVERYTHING, including charity and volunteer programs as well as being a founder and president to numerous things. She met her husband while at college and their love story was phenomenal. In a nutshell he pursued her in the shyest and cutest ways possible, coming to every event that she was at and eventually she got to meet his father and he told his son that he would be a fool if he didn’t marry her. And they did, they got married the same night they graduated from the university. They had six children, and they basically lived happily ever after. Traveling all over the world, her being in charge of several things at once like she did in her college years and her husband gave her wonderful support in all the things she did. In her words she said that her husband was a jewel and she lost him three years ago. (It was in this part of the letter I nearly started blubbering and crying like a baby) But her son lives with her and three of her daughters live close by, so that was a happy moment.
If you got the read the in-depth part of her story and read the language she used, the emotions coming from those pieces of paper were positively enchanting. I am secretly longing to meet this woman and give her lots of hugs. Isn’t it wonderful, the influence of words? That's why I love pursuing a major in English. :)
Well I best get back to typing. Enjoy your day! Make it a great one!

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