A companion. A sidekick. A best friend.
Made from the loveable and fuzzy goodness that is perfect for cuddling. A stuffed animal is one of those timeless objects that never fails to bring you joy, regardless of your age. Now, there is no need to be ashamed of having a stuffed animal, most girls in college have them including my roomie who brought several of them with her.
I am in my second year of college and I still have my stuffed animal, and his name is White Blaze. He is the perfect size, about 1 ½ feet long and is a white Bengal tiger cub. I used to carry him around EVERYWHERE, I actually used to wear him as a hat and just walk around with a tiger cub on my head. I look back on it all now and I know I must have embarrassed my parents immensely with all my silliness. Mwahahaha. But that's okay, they learned to embarrass me right back.
This morning I woke up to my alarm as usual, and there curled up in my arms was my faithful and trusty companion. I kissed his pink plastic nose and snuggled with him for a minute before I sleepily climbed down from my perch. That tiger has been through it all with me, and to be perfectly honest I am glad I brought him with me to college. He has been on several adventures with me and has seen me at my best and my absolute worst. Not to mention he is also quiet and SUCH a great listener. White Blaze never judges or tells you that you’re wrong; he just fixes you with that blank blue-eyed stare that says “I’m here and I’m listening”.
Such a great friend. This may sound funny and it also may sound weird, but every once in a while when there is absolutely NO ONE ELSE AROUND…I talk to him. I tell him about all the great things that happened that day or all the things I wish I hadn’t screwed up. We all have those days, and there is nothing better than having that silent friend take in all your ranting. I normally talk about those kinds of things with actual people, but every once in a while…you just have to talk to something that has known you forever and won’t give you any advice or any sort of reply. Silence is golden after all.
So this was my inspiration for the day.
This is an ode to my tiger. :)
Give your stuffed animal(s) some lovin’ and appreciation, for they are the keys to unlocking your childhood imagination.
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