Vampires are cool. To an extent. If I have to hear about another vampire book/movie/TV show, I’m going to have to find a way to make myself explode in sunlight. I personally believe that a league of vampires shouldn’t involve sparkly teen hunks. That’s just my opinion. If you’re pro Edward Cullen/Jacob, be my guest! To each their own. I will just keep my nose firmly tucked inside the magical realm of Middle Earth.
Argh rant time is over.
So last night our Swing Dance team (or, at least three members of the team) visited our dorm to teach a short and fun dance lesson to the residents. Only a few people showed up--including me--and it was a fun time learning and teaching East Coast and all its glory. I’m a member myself so I was giving pointers to people who needed it, which is cool because I used to be terrified of dancing. Now it’s a joy and an art. And the fact that I can give pointers to people is awesome!
Yesterday was a bit of a stressful day. We learned about the Holocaust (again) in my German Fairytales class, and then we read an extremely depressing story from Virgil’s Aeneid in my Life & Thought in European Lit class. (sigh) At least today is Thursday and the week is almost over. I just have to suffer through tomorrow, which will consist of extremely long classes and an exam. Needless to say tonight will be study time.
Thanksgiving break is coming! Ohmegoodness I am looking forward to seeing my big sister (AT LAST) as well as eat my family’s amazing Thanksgiving feast. I will have to think of what to give thanks for this year, there is so much I have to be thankful for!
As I sit here at my desk with a humongous pine tree blocking my lovely view of the outside world, I think to myself.... It is almost time for Christmas Music. Mwahahaha!
Will post soon, cross your fingers for my upcoming exam on Friday!
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