Thursday, July 21, 2011

Creature of Habit….

Everyone has habits....

I bite my nails when I am nervous or scared.

I chew the end of my straw when I am at a restaurant, and then proceed to blow bubbles in my drink.

I burst out into song throughout the course of the day.

I pinch the bridge of my nose when I am deep in thought.

I double check, triple check, quadruple check the ingredients I am supposed to put into a recipe.

I coo at my betta fish because I have no other pets to coo to. It’s a sad thing to behold.

I giggle like a pixie when I find something amusing, or at least so I’m told.

I curl up into a ball before I go to sleep.

I am incredibly protective of my porcelain skin. Sunscreen is my friend.

I make cat sounds as a form of communication at times. Yeah…no explanation for that one.

I refuse to bend the corners of pages as a form of bookmark.

I smell books after I purchase one or get one from the library. Such a pleasant scent.

I act like a man when I eat. There is no daintiness allowed when it comes to chicken wings my friend.

I try to learn something new every day, whether it be a fun fact or a new word.

If I don’t wear concealer under my eyes, I will die. I have the worst dark circles you can imagine.

I must smell yummy or pretty before I leave the house. It has to be subtle, not loud.

I can recite Disney movies by heart.

I carry a little notebook around with just in case I have to sketch or write something down.

I wave my hand whenever I enter a store with automatic doors, it makes me feel like a jedi.


Tell me some of your habits!


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