Saturday, May 26, 2012

Surviving Your Twenties

Folks, it's time we had that heart to heart, tete a tete, mano a mano.

I have been present on this planet for twenty one years and there are a few things I have learned that I not only practice, but also preach.

Being in your twenties means you are caught in that bizarre in-between stage of not yet ready to be an adult and also having to constantly think about the "whats" "ifs" "ands" or "buts" of your future, as well as yourself.

A couple tid-bits and odds and ends that I have learned:

Be your harshest critic, to an extent. It's okay to challenge yourself and try to become the best version of yourself, but sometimes we all get carried away and feel that nothing is good enough. Breathe. Take a step back. Then remind yourself that progress sometimes comes in baby steps. We live in a fast paced world, and sometimes we need to slow down and then catch up again.

Drink lots of tea. The stats about corn syrup and soda consumption leading to diseases and obesity are scaring me. So in order to get my caffeine fix with more health benefits, I have converted to being a tea enthusiast. Sometimes we just need to be a little more British, ya know? Pinkies up my friend!

Eat lots of pasta. I don't think I have to explain this one. Just twirl and slurp.

Learn how to keep your own secrets. I know this is a hard one, but people can't keep secrets. They just don't. Unless you want your friends to know everything about your private life and your business, produce a key and lock it. Keep it safe.

Take long walks when you're frustrated. Exercise will be one of your biggest stress relievers and will actually help you sort things out in your head, as though you are creating imaginary organized folders for the annoying thoughts inside your brain. Talk to yourself if necessary. Only you know your heart and head the best. It's okay to consult with yourself, even if it's out loud.

Stay positive. Compliment a stranger every day. Do something rewarding. Buy ice cream.

If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

Put on some red lipstick (or any bright color of your choice) and wear your sunglasses for days you are lazy, not wanting to wear makeup, or taking a quick trip to the grocery store. It's say's "classy" yet "gloriously mysterious" and "simple".

Boys are not Disney princes. They are creatures that have to be understood and respected and loved. Find one that does the same for you. If he does like to watch Disney movies, have a party!

Know your limits.

Be patient. Good things come to those who wait, right? While waiting you can bake some cookies, and they will be amazing.

There will always be good, great, awkward, and on occasion dark parts to your life. Your twenties are definitely something to be explored. Cherish it. Love it. And savor it. When there are clouds, look for that silver lining. You are learning day by day just as I am.

Go for it.

Don't think twice.

Good luck!


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