Is it glory? Is it recognition? Or is it inhuman abilities that can be used for the power of good to vanquish evil?
You walk down the street and you must think to yourself that life is not a marvel comic book, there is no Batman, Superman, or Spiderman. We’ll throw in Wonder Woman, just to level the playing field. These people do not exist, they are mere drawings and fictional characters thrown into a modern corrupt world and they are the ones to set things right. Is that not god-like? Are they not overseers correcting the wrongs of mankind? They are the other half of the spectrum, the light vs. dark, the good vs. evil, the justice vs. wrong.
It’s sad to think that such people do not exist. That no almighty 6 foot hunk of beefcake with rippling pectorals tightly bound in spandex is going to save you from the boredom of your day job. Again, a girl can dream.
But then you have to realize that the road to life is very much like Gotham City and you are Batman. You may not have superpowers from a faraway planet, and you may not be the richest person alive, but you can make a difference. It doesn’t take a cape and a mask to make you a hero. ANYONE can be a hero. You may not be saving people’s lives on a daily basis or curing serious illnesses, but you are vanquishing the evils that life has planted around every twist and turn in the road. And that is what I am doing. I am taking each challenge that is being thrown at me and wrestling it to the ground, so that I may rise and be the victor. With each challenge, with each decision, with each action, I am bettering myself as a person and becoming someone I am proud of. By doing that, others will recognize your confidence and will and determination, and deem you a worthy soul as well and will be honored to know you.
Hold your head high and wake up in the morning feeling determined, feeling like you can do this, feeling like you can face whatever curve-ball life has in store for you. And no matter how many curve balls hit you, the bruises will go away, you will heal, and you will move on and learn to throw them back twice as hard, so that they will never return to hurt you again.
So put that spandex suit away, it may be bikini season but trust me, you won’t need it….
Be your own hero.
And who knows, maybe others will see you as their hero too.
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