It’s the most relaxing time of year, yet everything seems to hit the ground running. Mother Nature is full speed ahead in terms of weather patterns, giving us heat and sun and rain and chilly breezes. Everyone is taking vacations and packing their bags to go to faraway tropics such as Hawaii and Florida. I actually know several friends who are going to Germany, Israel, France, and Thailand. Sometimes, life is just not fair. Send me a postcard you ninnies! Share with me your experiences by giving me some kind words and a pretty picture of where you have been. Better yet, shrink me so that I can fit inside your pocket and see everything for myself!
….A girl can dream….
While they are off gallivanting and enjoying the splendors of the globe, I shall remain here. Wiggling my toes in the sun-warmed grass, go swimming in the neighbor’s pool, take long contemplative walks, write nonsense in my poetry book, as well as spend as much time as I can with friends and loved ones; surrounding myself with other insanely pleasant victims who shall not travel first class this summer. I think my evil plan is working.
Funny story, I think I am projecting my fond desire to travel abroad into my dreams. Last night, amongst the background noise of several episodes from West Wing season 3, I dreamt of several people speaking horrible French to me. Granted, it wasn’t like they were saying anything bad, they just had bad accents. Thus whenever I opened my mouth and spoke simple French 101 sentences, they would praise me for how lovely and real my accent sounded. I thought this notion was absolutely ridiculous, but it turns out, I did have a pretty good accent, if I dare say so myself. Ahem. Est-ce que je peux un crêpe avec les fraises et nutella s'il vous plaît? Merci!
Speaking of which, I should make one of those tonight! Hurrah!
Keep smiling! It gets better!
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