At last it is over. The pain-staking experience that sucks the very life out of you....finals week has been conquered.
It feels wonderful to be home, amongst my peeps, hot meals, as well as feeling the love and support of people around you. There's nothing quite like going to sleep at night knowing you have no real responsibilities the next day. Just rest and relaxation.
It's impressive how the human body just "knows" how to adapt to summer. Right away, your brain goes into cottage cheese mode and suddenly you do not have 10 page papers and research projects due the next week. The only thing you have to worry about in terms of next week is who you are going to hang out with and what book you are going to read next.
Also, it is Mother's Day! This day is dedicated to all those wonderful women who have devoted their hard work and loving nature towards those who are a significant part of their lives. Devote your attention towards these lovely ladies, because they have done so much, big and small, and are very powerful influences in our lives. Show your mother just how much she means to you on this day. Even if it means making Cinnamon-Pull-Apart-Bread at 2:00am-4:00am. :)
In terms of goals for the summer, I have thought long and hard about what I would like to accomplish. Here is a rough sketch of what I would like to do:
-Read at least 10 books (I already have particular books in mind)
-Play on the xbox 360
-Expand my movie watching and become reasonably cultured
-Hang out with friends
-Cook and bake as much as possible
-Keep a dream diary
-Take long walks, and go jogging in the mornings! Work out!
-Less time on facebook and more time actually living
-Possibly probably maybe mayhaps get some reasonable amount of sun...being incredibly pale is a joy to behold my friends.
-Eat healthy, lots of fruit and vegetables
-Find SOMEONE to swingdance with, else these next three months are going to drive me insane
Ta da! Worthy goals. Not too out there and not too shabby in terms of short terms goals to reach over the course of the summer.
I hope you all have goals for the summer. It is a time that should not be wasted, but cherished. :) Good luck to all of you! I shall keep you posted on all my random an silly happenings over the course of these next few months. No disappearing, I promise!
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