You wake up in the morning, its 8:30, your toes are curling with excitement as you wrap the sheets tightly around you like a safe warm cocoon…because you know that the moment you step out of bed…everything changes. You will face the day with all its challenges and its surprises.
Who knows what could happen?
You could wake to your loved one silently making you pancakes endeavoring to surprise you. You could find a garden gnome in your bathroom wondering how it got there last night. You could discover an entire drawer full of chocolate at work, and it’s all yours. There are a gazillion possibilities that could happen today, and they all depend on how you face them and what you choose to do about them.
I had a morning very much like that.
Waking up incredibly warm and comfortable and safe, grabbing a bowl of cereal with strawberries, tying my hair up into a tight bun, listening to energizing music and singing along whilst dancing around the house, and getting ready to face the day. It was by far one of the best mornings yet!
I have to admit, I am discovering a lot of my favorite things this summer. To list them all would take several years of my life I am sure, but I am more than happy to oblige and name a few:
Baking in the wee hours of the morning. You know that feeling where you just can’t sleep and your fingers are itching to be productive? I had that feeling the night before Mother’s Day, so I made Cinnamon-Pull-Apart Bread at 2 in the morning and waited patiently for dough to rise and ingredients to be combined. That bread took several hours to make, but the end result was definitely worth it! The kitchen smelled heavenly of cinnamon and butter for all of Mother’s Day. Best. Gift. Ever.
Writing Poetry. Even if it’s just nonsense in a journal, or little blurbs of words that rhyme, I value poetry greatly. To say SO much within such a TINY collection of words is amazing and astounds me every time. I keep a little journal where I endeavor to write a poem each and every day. I admit I have slacked in that department for the past week now, but I will most likely resume that tradition now that I have written it here for all my lovely readers to see….
Laughter. There is just something about it. Sometimes a person’s laugh is hysterical enough to make you laugh at them. Other times you are simply laughing along with them because you both found the same thing hilarious. And others…you are laughing because you are happy. If your loved one has crow’s feet around their eyes and has thrown their head back and mouth wide open chuckling like a madman….there just isn’t anything better. The world gets brighter for that moment.
Long walks. Face it, you sometimes feel squirrely and you just HAVE to get out of the house. The best way to do that is to either go shopping for a good pair of shoes, or take a good long stroll down the neighborhood and silently hold a competition of which neighbor put the most effort into their yard’s appearance this year…. It is both healthy and amusing at the same time.
My betta fish. He is a pain in the butt sometimes…. You must be thinking “how can a fish be a pain? They are the easiest pets to take care of!” True, they are easy, but they also have attitudes. My betta fish, named Rick Castle (yes from the t.v. show “Castle”) is quite the pretty princess and deserves to be treated as one. He guards his Spongebob Squarepants pineapple as though it were a god sent and HE is the only one who can have it. He is always hungry. ALWAYS. No matter how much you feed him, he is a little piggy. He also puffs up his gills whenever you approach his tank because it is CLEARLY his territory and you should not be pressing your nose up against the glass. It also doesn’t help when my family coo’s at him because he looks soooooooooo cute. I think they might be projecting just a tad…..But I coo at him too so….I can’t really complain about that one. Nevertheless he is my baby and has been a constant joy for me and my dorm room throughout this year. I am hoping for at least another year or two with him. Love you little guy.
Grass. You cannot believe how refreshing wiggling your bare toes in grass is…especially if it’s mid-afternoon and the sun has been warming up the ground, it’s like your very own foot treatment. Thank you Mother Nature!
Chai tea. A cup full of hot milk with a spoonful of sugar and chai spice…man, now you’re talking about a great evening. Bring me chai tea and I will be your best friend forever.
I’m expecting Julie Andrews any minute now to come bursting into the office singing, “these are a few of my favorite things”. The list goes on and on, with even longer explanations as to why I like them! I have so many things that I like and I hope that you also have a huge list compiled of all the things you love whether it be on paper or in your head. Things that tickle you, make you warm and fuzzy inside, things that make you happy, puzzle you, excite you, or render you speechless.
Share with me your favorite things. Kisses in the rain? Hot chocolate during the first snow of Christmas? Spontaneous adventures to a movie theatre with your friends? Grocery shopping? Getting your hair trimmed? Tell me your stories.
As always, keep smiling! The hills are alive!
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