He barely met her gaze as his skilled fingers loomed over the strings, plucking softly, letting the sound fill the air as ripples would expand throughout a body of water. He relished in the sound, breathed it, tasted it, and became a part of it almost. It was as though he were transcending into another world even as he sat before her. He was no longer here; he was lost within the gentle hymn of the instrument and all the beauty it possessed.
“Can you hear it?” He murmured, “I mean…can you really hear it? What it’s saying?”
“I can.” She replied in as soft a tone as his, as to not disturb his concentration, “I can hear every word it’s trying to say.”
“Then you are one of few who can.” His fingers flew down the neck, caressing the instrument as though it were the most precious possession he owned. It sang for him, helplessly giving in to his commands, revealing such sweet music that it haunted the soul with its melody. It transcended anything else she had ever heard before, and brought her into his world, showing her everything he was feeling and everything he wanted to convey with the notes that were played.
When the music ended, her reverie scattered into a million fragments. She had strayed into what had seemed a dream; he has so effortlessly brought her there and brought her out of it.
“My constellation of chords.” A faint smile tugged at his lips, flickering across his perfectly angular features and illuminating his cerulean eyes as they fixed themselves upon her.
“Only you could paint the sky in such colors.” She grinned, still in awe at his mastery in the art of music.
“And only you can see them.”
He returned to his instrument, fiddling around with different notes and key changes until afternoon became evening and the diamonds of the sky peeked out from the sheet of black silk....
Hope you enjoyed that tid bit! I'm playing around with my characters and seeing how I would like for them to interact in the story. This is certainly a fun story to write and I greatly appreciate all the inspiration that went into it as well as the characters and how they're turning out. I must give great thanks to one of my incredibly close friends who I shall cherish for the rest of my life. He is without a doubt the muse to this story, and has inspired me in countless ways, especially as a person as well as a writer. The line "constellation of chords" is ENTIRELY his, and rightly so. Only he could create such a line and such music.
Keep writing, keep smiling, and keep loving the life you're living!