A fresh slate.
No one could ask for a better thing.
To begin on a completely new foot that is both curious, cautious, as well as rearin' to go. You don't know what lies ahead, but you sure as heck are ready to take a peak and see!
As I look out of my new window watching the sunset, I see that the fountain is still running and each and every drop is illuminated like a tiny facet. Each and every bedroom light in the surrounding apartments are on, showing that their inhabitants are also settling in to their new and temporary nest.
It's a nest away from home and I already feel strange and just a tad lonely despite my being surrounded by lovely roommates. I am ready. But there is always that hesitancy of having to spread your wings and count on a good wind to take you away from the nest, and keep you in the air rather than plummeting to the forest floor.
We all have to learn how to fly at some point in our lives, and sometimes, we need more than a nudge. We literally have to be pushed from the nest and rely on pure instinct. This method is not always encouraged, but the end result is definitely worth it!
To all you new "flyers", be glad that you left the nest even if it's for a short time. You were kicked out of it for a reason and you might as well not make that reason half-assed. Put all your energy into it and make sure you succeed.
I believe in you.
In fact, I am the one encouraging you to keep flying.
Fly until those little wings cannot keep up with you anymore, then take a rest, and then give it all you got again and again.
I'm with you all the way!
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