There is nothing quite like a day where you and your girlfriends go shopping.
Shopping, what a word. What a beautiful, glorious, amazing word.
Nothing in the world that can compare to that intense estrogen connection; which sparks urges to drool at shoes and purses and super cute fashion trends.
They will always be honest with you. Telling you that you “deserve” those new boots, or that you look “amazing” in that dress, or that that necklace is “definitely” your style.
Plus, school is on the horizon, so the need to buy some new articles of clothing was definitely a must.
I am very proud of the loot that I found yesterday, and now have sitting in my room, patiently waiting for me to sport them and look fantastic while doing so.
Those shopping sprees relieve huge amounts of stress and make you feel unstoppable. You feel as though the entire store is one big adventure, and in it are goodies just waiting to be discovered. Like your own personal treasure hunt. And at the end of the hunt, you feel as though you have conquered the world with that receipt showing just how much you actually saved.
Well played.
The best part of shopping is being able to touch everything, sift through every hanger and instantly decide whether or not it is something that would suit your taste. The process is instantaneous. You have to quickly make a choice between “OMG YES!”, “Absolutely not!”, or “…..maybe….let me try it on first….”.
It’s such a guilty pleasure.
Truly it is.
And us girls love every minute of it.
Though, it is interesting to think of all the different guilty pleasures we have. Some of us like to get manicures and pedicures. Some of us like to get our hair styled. Some of us like to have facials. Some of us just like to sit in bookstores for hours on end.
To me, shopping is like chocolate. It’s bad for you to indulge in all the time, but every once in a while, you just got to have it.
So yesterday could technically be considered my chocolate fix.
I hope you take some time and invest in your guilty pleasure. Believe me, it's worth it!
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