I am not a political person.
Let me just make that VERY clear before I get started.
Because this post involves Hogwarts owls as well as swashbuckling Pirates.
So to begin, let me just say that I have a voice just like any of you, and I would like to throw my two cents in. Food for thought, if you will.
Consider the following:
In 1776 a bunch of grumpy old white men locked themselves into an extremely hot and stinky room and would not leave until they finished writing the Constitution. A document that could technically be considered a second list of commandments.
The American people needed guidance, an outline, a rulebook, in order to bring some sort of sense into the world.
Without laws, we would be a very messed up place.
But that doesn’t mean that even WITH laws we aren’t messed up.
People try and scoot past the laws and extend and stretch them, just so they can see how much they can get away with.
I believe a famous Pirate said it best. “Thirdly, the Code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner.”
In America, land of the free, home of the brave…
We are all Pirates.
Think about it. When we do not get what we want politically, we get angry and start to blame the higher powers and rebel in ways that could be considered plundering and pillaging. With a lot less pistols and swashbuckling swords and compasses that don’t point North.
The world is falling apart bit by bit and there are a lot of bad pirates out there who want to see it burn and be thrown into a crumbling and shattering derision. There are countries that we don’t like, and don’t seem to like us in return. Therefore, the longer we hold a grudge the more likely we will be involved in a war. Our economy is getting worse as we try and pick up the pieces from past presidencies and try and work with the stubborn opposing parties. The Republicans and Democrats can’t work together, ever, so why are we letting them decide what is best for our future?
Clearly, they just want the treasure and gold all to themselves.
What can the American people do when the higher power clearly can’t present itself as respectful and trustworthy and fair?
Mutiny? No. Walking the plank? No.
Maybe just a mandate from the people would do.
Or a lot of letters. Lots and lots of letters written in green ink, delivered by Hogwarts owls.
Yes. I am in favor of this plan.
Well, I believe I have exercised the first Amendment well enough and made a few interesting notes.
Let me know what you think. Do you believe we should storm down the Whitehouse with our blades drawn and drink up me hearties yo ho, or should we send off a bazillion magical owls carrying howlers to said Whitehouse?
I personally think the second idea is the best. I mean, just look at these guys! D'awww
(Any Harry Potter or Pirates of the Caribbean references belong to their respectful owners. J.K. Rowling and Gore Verbinski.)
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