Have you ever met one of those people...who are so opinionated and so closed minded that it absolutely drives you up the wall?
If there is one things in this world that I do not tolerate, it is closed mindedness. Those who cannot keep a broad perspective that can see both sides of the table are truly the most infuriating people on the planet.
"I am right, because I am always right, my opinion is the only one that matters, blah, blah, blah."
Seriously. Take it from the movie Bambi. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
That special group of people remind me of birds....
I know what you're thinking. You're probably giving the computer screen the oddest of looks. But let me explain!
Picture the scene....
It comes so unexpectedly that it is almost unwelcome entirely.
There you are, taking a leisurely nap on the couch, hypothetically curled up in a nice warm fuzzy ball of micro fleece, and suddenly WHAM
You sit up in alarm, searching desperately for the perpetrator. There is no visible evidence that reveals a shenanigan or intruder so you resume your nap on the couch, a little wary and cautious this time.
It happens again!
You race towards the general direction of the noise and low and behold, there is a bewildered and perplexed bird who is curiously cocking its head and wondering why it cannot pull a Matrix move through the glass of your kitchen window.
Birds are crazy.
Just like those annoying closed-minded people.
They have very little perspective when it comes to clear surfaces. (Then again, the same behavior can be observed within the human species. How many times have we ourselves walked into a glass door, or witnessed someone doing thusly? If you haven’t, just wait, it’ll happen).
Sometimes we just have to admit that we are not the cleverest of species at times….
How does one avoid closed-mindedness?
First of all, when you encounter someone who is closed minded you will often find yourself resisting them entirely. Resistance comes from you and who you are and how you define yourself as a person. Treat that moment like a personal challenge. Do not put forth an argument that is emotionally attached to you and your personal beliefs. Instead, make the playing field level by saying "you COULD be right...but what about this?"
Being open-minded means you are receptive to new ideas and are willing to consider and discuss and take on new challenges and perspectives. By exploring them further, you will be able to gain better knowledge as well as a broadened range of ideas that other people might have.
Consider all that comes your way and do not immediately resist the people who put forth those ideas.
In other words, to wrap things up with my peculiar metaphor from earlier....
Don't be the bird that crashes into everyone's window so unexpectedly!
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