Life is filled with opportunities. By taking advantage of one of them, several thousand more arise. But what about the opportunities you didn’t take? Will they cost you? Will they haunt you? Do you regret not taking ‘that’ path instead of the one you are currently on?
Several times a day I find myself contemplating the ‘what ifs’ and the ‘how abouts’. I am always thinking, always wondering. Yet I find myself in the shoes of so many people who wish they could rewind the past. Unfortunately, life does not have a restart button. If you fail a level you cannot go back and start over.
They always say to live your life to the fullest so that you don’t have any regrets.
This may be true. But somewhere during that journey of your full life, you will have regrets that you wish you could tweak and alter and even return to and fix completely.
We sometimes fight for things we cannot have.
We sometimes are completely oblivious to the opportunities that are happening underneath our noses.
We sometimes are misinformed or there is a miscommunication.
We sometimes screw up so epically that we practically dig ourselves into a deep dark hole.
We sometimes build walls around ourselves and shut everyone out.
In today’s society it’s almost expected that you don’t make any mistakes. You are born and bred to believe that the world is a difficult place and you must never make a mistake, because mistakes result in punishments, and punishments are things you want to avoid at all costs because it will leave a mark, a mark you will be judged for.
Not true.
It is within our nature to make mistakes. We live under the guidelines of “trial and error”.
For example: The Homo Habilis looked at the Australopithecus and dared him to eat those green berries while he ate the purple berries. So the Australopithecus took up the challenge and ate the green berries and shortly died, whereas the Homo Habilis ate the purple berries and was very happy and satisfied and lived to have a long life. The trial being the different colored berries, the error being the eating of the incorrect color berries. Lesson learned, you now know to never eat those green berries, else you too will die.
That may be an overly dramatic example, but you KNOW it happened. (Also, Homo Habilis and the Australopithecus did not exist at the same time)
I am sure that the Australopithecus wishes that he could go back in time and stop himself from eating those poisonous green berries.
Unfortunately that is a regret that he cannot fix.
HOWEVER there are regrets that you can fix.
My personal motto is, “there’s always a however”. No matter how hopeless the cause, no matter how many times someone says ‘no’, no matter how harshly you feel you are being judged by others, if you have the courage and the strength and the determination, you will surely gain something from your endeavors. If anything you are proving to yourself that you are not giving up and that you will not be ruled by regrets. Keep Fighting.
I regret a lot from this year. A lot of open doors slammed into my face. But I was persistent, I always got back up and tried everything I could in order to find a key to open the door again or simply try and force it back open with my bare hands. I got my fingers caught in the doors, it hurt, but I managed to prop them open again and barge my way through.
I am finding that there are still several doors that are closed and will not budge, but that doesn’t mean I can’t open them again someday, I just need to figure out how. Only I can open them. I just can’t seem to find my keys…. The garden gnomes must have cleverly hid them whilst I was taking a nap.
Now that I have completely bored you with inspirational nonsense and ramblings about how you too have the power to change the course of your future, I am simply going to say this…..
You got this.
I love you.
Stay strong.
Regret Nothing.

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