My morning consisted of the heaviest downpour you can possibly imagine. I always very fortunate to look at the weather in my half-asleep state and manage to find my umbrella AND my rainboots (aka. the invincible power of little duck feet)
We are definitely getting into the rainy seasons in this little town of ours. Everyone just seems to be in one of two categories:
1. Totally prepared and dressed for whatever mother nature may throw our way
2. Totally unprepared and walks around in the freezing rain in a hoddie, shorts, and flip-flops.
Such is life it seems.
I am finding myself getting mentally prepared for summer. It's hard to believe that in just 5 weeks I will be out of the dorms and getting ready to spend three months doing absolutely nothing. Woot! However that certainly may not be the case. For all I know, I could be going to Ireland, getting a puppy, or taking summer classes just for the heck of it. So, it turns out this summer might actually be a memorable one.
Random sidenote: The sky is threatening to start another epic downpour. I can see it just outside my if it's waiting for Piper to get off of work and the moment that I step outside I shall be drenched. Yuck.
Oh fancy that. It just started raining again. Surprise. Can anyone else see the irony in this?
I watched the most hilarious movie last night. It was called "License to Wed" and it starred Robin Williams and I automatically fell in love with it. It wasn't over the top or too cheesy, it was a good blend of hilarious and heart-felt.
Sadly it is about that time where I hike up my skirts and get ready to trudge my way over to Non-Dramatic Renaissance. As much as I love that class, I am not looking forward to the bloody weather. ugh.
See you on the other side.
More stories to come!
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