I am sure you are well aware of the reason as to why I am writing. I shall get right to the point. In short, your execution of a consistent pattern concerning weather changes is quite infuriating and I hope to see improvement in your methods. Please write a detailed proposal for your future plans and submit it in both e-mail and hard-copy to me by midnight.
Only in Ohio can one feel the dramatic and fluctuating changes of the weather. It’s absolutely crazy as to how we Ohioans can put with such nonsense. Us poor college students are having a rough time deciding between sundresses and t-shirts vs. Northface jackets and UGG boots. It’s the epitome of a tragedy. Shakespeare is probably rolling around in his grave itching to capture our emotions and looks of dismay on paper. “Alas poor Yorick!”
It’s strange how influential the weather is here, it practically decides as to whether or not you are going to have a good or bad day.
Aside from me going on a Colin Firth/Mr. Darcy tangent about the weather and how my family is in good health….
Allow me to share with you some stories and observations from the week.
First off, allow me to enlighten you upon a bad life decision. Never, and I mean NEVER, drink an entire vitamin water bottle (20 FL OZ) and then an entire iced coffee before two 75 minute long classes that are back to back. That is pure torture to one’s bladder. I know what you’re thinking. “Piper, why don’t you just get up and leave during class to go to the restroom?” Well….you know those classes where the professor sits in from of the entire class and lectures, and nobody moves, because if you move or get up, the teacher will stop the lecture and stare at you as you leave. It is as though you are being judged and shunned at once. So I saved myself the scrutiny and sucked it up for as long as I possibly could. Luckily I was able to take advantage of the time between those two classes, so I was saved!
On to a less awkward and embarrassing topic….
Never doubt the abilities of a double English major (which I am). You “other majors” think us English majors have it easy and that all we have to do is read and write essays. In truth, we do, but clearly you don’t understand. Our essays are graded with hard calloused hands that are nit-picky about each and every detail, if you think your essay is solid and descriptive and worthy…to them it is the biggest piece of nonsense they have ever read and needs a better thesis, more support, more quotes, less quotes, word changes, a stronger argument, rephrasing, less adjectives, fragments, explain further, etc, etc, etc. Ink is everywhere, and the worst part is each professor is different in terms of what they like to see in a paper. Adjusting your personal style to those professors can be one of the most frustrating things you have ever done. It feels like each essay is a “guinea pig” essay, testing to see what they like/don’t like about it and what you can improve upon. The point of this rant is to inform you that I, yes I, have made that work pay off. Several of my essays were returned this week and I got pretty decent grades on them. The funniest thing was that in my Psychology class, I got a 26/28 when the majority of the class got MUCH lower grades, and they are Psychology majors. My professor announced to the class at the beginning of the assignment that creative writing and literature majors have the hardest time writing research papers because it’s more scientific and fact based rather than flowery language. Needless to say…. DOUBLE ENGLISH MAJOR FTW!
Last night I also got a chance to take a long walk. I was feeling super extra squirrely and I needed to blow off some steam and just stomp around on some concrete. You know the feeling. Anyway I must have walked the entire perimeter of the campus by the time all was said and done, and I made some very interesting discoveries and I will be sure to take another adventure with my camera to take some pictures!
I am very much looking forward to this weekend, if anything it will be a time to do laundry and relax and merely let go of my thoughts for a bit. Down-time for the Piper.
I hope that everyone gets a chance to experience some sunlight and warmth in their daily lives soon. Spring is here, summer is on its way and it’s coming up fast. Certainly not fast enough!
Enjoy your weekend my lovelies
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