T’is the day of lovers, flowers, chocolates, cards and teddy bears. If anything it is the epitome of a Hallmark holiday that is both cheesy and wonderful. If you are like me and are single this year, spending it doing productive things and surrounding yourself with friends is the best thing. Eat lots of ice cream, chocolate, and watch Pride and Prejudice (trust me, it helps). So yeah….I’m pretty sure you can tell that I had a crummy Valentine’s Day and life is less than stellar at the present (because that would be a vast understatement), but I am putting on a good façade for everyone who doesn’t suspect a thing.
Aside from all of that jazz I have some exciting news! Le gasp! Something happy at last!
Number one, our swing dance team is going to the local competition at the end of this month! We have been working LONG and HARD on our routine and we’re going to be buckling down and perfecting things for the next two weeks. We are all very excited and are intent on doing our best and having as much fun as possible. Our school just hosted a swing dance recently and we invited a lot of our of town schools to join, particularly their swing dancers, and they were FANTASTIC. I had some of the best dances of my life that night with fantastic leads. I also got to see a very good friend of mine, who never failed to lift my spirits that night and keep me smiling despite my inner turmoil at the time.
Number two, after our swing dancing competition it is practically spring break! My big sister is coming home for this holiday and I cannot wait to see her. It’s one of those moments in life where you want your big sister near you. Knowing us, we will cause oodles and oodles of trouble, as well as eat bad food, watch fantastic movies, and go shopping. Much girl time is needed, I assure you.
Number three, puppies. Yes that’s right. Puppies. Little wiggly balls of fluff have been born from a breeder we got our last dog from, and they are heart—melting and precious and adorable. They are Australian shepherds, which are a fantastic breed. I am very much looking forward to meeting these puppies and having them all cuddling in my lap vying for attention. There is nothing quite like having a lap full of puppies, let me tell you. It’s therapeutic.
I hope that you all are staying sane and happy during this cold and dreary month. February is not always the most wonderful time of the year, but soon we will be visited by warmer weather and all will be right with the world (maybe). Turn on your sun lamps and be sure to laugh and smile each day. Find the beauty in little things, even if it’s a flower poking its shy little head out of the snow. I’m hoping to bake brownies/cinnamon rolls soon. They have them at the market near our dorm and a couple of our friends down the hall have baking utensils, so…I’ll keep you posted on the baking.
Stay strong ladies and gentlemen, summer is just around the corner. :) If possible, do some swing dancing, it does wonders for the soul!
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