That basically sums up this last week. It is also safe to say that I have experienced some of the best and WORST times of my life this year. (Pets, relationship, etc.) I am sure those of you who have suffered a broken heart know what I am going through. But I am taking each day with a step forward. It's a shaking, hesitant, frightened step forward, but is still a step in the right direction. I'm making myself out to be braver than I actually am, but at least I can create a good facade with my words. If anything, they are my comfort right now. Nothing but more than mere words can fully express my inner turmoil and suffering, they are my outlet, my friends, my constant companions.
Last night my roommate took me to see a concert to get my mind off things for a while, and I have to say that it was the perfect thing to do. The group is called "Naturally 7" and it is an a-capella group composed of 7 black men who have by far the most amazing voices I have EVER hear. They do not need instruments to play on stage, instead they have their voices and there raw talent, and the seats shook from their awesomeness. Needless to say...I am finding their CD.
Castle is becoming more and more territorial, which I personally find hilarious. Any time I put my finger up against his tank he charges at me with gills fully puffed up! Then if I wiggle my finger he darts away and hides behind his pineapple, only to swim around as though he is ignoring me, and then charges again! What a meanie face.... Clearly he does not understand who feeds him every day.
Another fine update is that school here has been canceled two days in a row! Tuesday classes were canceled after 2:00, and then Wednesday the campus was closed and all classes were canceled. Can you say "thank you snow/ice"? Although Mother Nature is being cruel, she is also very very kind to us college students who are looking for a break. Trust me, I needed one.
Tonight will be swing practice and the long awaited "taping of the routine"! We will most likely work our butts off for a couple hours and then tape the final outcome once everyone has everything down. I cannot wait for this night to be over, I am already exhausted. Very little sleep will unfortunately do that to you.
So, for the mean time that is all I have to report, unfortunately, I wish I had more interesting things to say but my creative process is severely lacking for the time being. But rest assured I am alive and well. "Well" being a very questionable term. Interpret it as you wish.
I love you all, my dear and gentle readers. I hope you are staying happy and letting your loved ones know just how much you mean to them.

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