Totally refreshed, well-fed, and completely and utterly determined to finish this semester off with a bang.
Thanksgiving break did wonders for everyone in our corridor it seems, everyone just needed to be pampered by their families, be fed delicious holiday food, and just have some quiet time. I successfully managed to get nothing done (due to the fact I had completed everything that needed to get done beforehand) so I spent my break browsing my computer, looking at old stories, tweaking said stories, and just spending good quality time with the family.
Lots of exciting things happened over break. My big sister came home and it was marvelous, I love that girl to death and it was positively hilarious to see her curled up in “her” recycling leather chair in the family room. Us girls all went shopping at TJ Max and had a ridiculous amount of fun! We watched cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies on t.v. and ate fabulous home cooked food. I also got to see the boyfriend at the end of the week, who got a chance to meet my grandmother and pay a nice hello to the rest of the family. T’was the perfect break if you ask me.
Now only three weeks until Christmas break! Two of those weeks being spent wrapping up classes, and the last one being finals. Ugh. After that, it is time to celebrate the holidays!
Story time!
Much to my surprise, two of our possee brought back dreaded head-colds with them, so I am keeping as far away from them as possible. I might need to begin taking baths in my hand-sanitizer.....yeah not really, but still, I am being cautious.
Also, last night my roommie and I had a jolly good time listening to Christmas music on the radio. They played each song about three times over the course of an hour, but I am not one to complain when it comes to Christmas music. My roomie also brought an astounding amount of Christmas decorations with her after break and now our room looks like a Winter Wonderland. Yay!
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving break. Hopefully Christmas break will come just as quickly. In the mean time, study hard, take your vitamins to evade the dreaded head-cold, and have as much fun as possible!
P.S. Rumor has it that it is supposed to snow tomorrow! Squee!