Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The "Green" Joys of Summer

(Brownie points if you know what film the image above was taken from!)

My summer hiatus has ended, and with that comes more inspiration!

On my little adventures I searched for several reasons as to how you can enjoy your summer in a very "green" way. I think I was more than successful.

Summer is the time for exercise, new recipes, putting together a good book reading list, impromptu picnics with a loved one, as well as cool drinks by the pool. So being environmentally friendly whilst pursuing all of these activities is just the thing for a summer happy boost!

1. Being green in your actions should also reflect from within. Start by treating yourself to some green. Incorporate organic foods into your life, start a small garden, drink more water and green tea, and definitely invent your own creative fruit and veggie smoothies to start your day off with a BANG! I like raspberry, peach, mango and baby spinach smoothies myself. You can't taste the spinach, I promise. It's like a sneaky sidekick!

2. Do you collect books that just tend to hang around for a second or a third reading, but exhaust their shelf life beyond that? Donate your books to a local bookstore, library, and or school. If you are not afraid of grabbing a pair of scissors and giving your book a snip-snip treatment (le gasp!), create a DIY collage project that involves book pages and covers.

3. Picnics are like butterfly kisses on the chart of love. They are simple, intimate, and speak volumes about your creativity. Hone those skills to make something new, like a different salad combination, a new kind of lemonade, or perhaps something dipped in chocolate? Let's make it happen! But let us also keep this green. Bring utensils that are reusable such as forks, plates, napkins, cups, etc. Now you're talking!

4. Pool time also means sunscreen time. Sunscreen is great for us pale vampires that don't get out much. But beware the oils and extra ingredients that are hard to pronounce. They can often mess with the chemical makeup of the pool and ruin the water! In order to keep you safe from peeling and burning, as well as gallons of water from being soiled, purchase a sunscreen that has as few ingredients as possible and contains no oils. Organic sunscreen is awesome my friends, and doesn't have that sunscreen "smell" either! Bonus!

Enjoy your summer lovelies! I know I am!


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