The "What is in my purse" tag that has been all the rage around Youtube inspired me to write a little something-somethin' about what I am super grateful for in three specific places in my life:
First step, choose three places you find significant to you and your lifestyle:
1. My bedroom
2. My bathroom
3. My desk
Second step, name a couple materialistic things that are relevant to those places and why you are grateful for their existence and how they play a vital role in your life. Ready? Go!
Bedroom: My cellphone, my vast collection of fictional books, as well as my pillow. There is nothing quite like a good pillow, you know? They can act as a temporary shoulder to cry on, a perfect snuggle buddy when you need to be held at that exact moment, as well as what helps you get to sleep at night. I like my pillows to be fluffy and soft, filled with feathers and laughter. "Shaken, not stirred."
Bathoom: I am SUPER grateful for Q-tips, the mirror, my concealer and lipstick which are equal life-savors in terms of phenomenal cosmetic powers. Whether it is date-night or a simple night out on the town with your friends, definitely invest in a bright lipstick that complements your features but also amps them up, as well as a concealer for when you need to hide some unwanted guests on your complexion. Together they are 10 hours of sleep and instant glam in a bottle/tube.
Desk: My laptop is one of my most prized possessions-it holds everything I have written and I could not imagine my life without it, significant pictures of precious moments in my life hang on the walls, blurbs of story-lines and monologues from random characters that remain unfinished, as well as my beloved calendar. Personally, I believe that being tidy and organized is one of the keys to success and I like having everything written out so that it will help me to never forget anything important. I have a pretty awesome memory as it is, but it's also nice to have some backup when you need it.
Now it is YOUR turn. What places represent who you are? What are the things in them that shout and scream important and why?
Who knows, maybe there is something secret or forgotten, like an old friend that is just itching to be rediscovered and fondly remembered.
Start lookin' and have fun with it, and don't forget to share anything inspirational. :)
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