They always say that "patience is a virtue".
I believe in this. Strongly. Because not only does patience happen to be one of my top qualities, but it has also proven itself worthy in times where I needed it most.
In today's world we live in a fast-paced society where people are constantly going every which way with a purpose. Trying to fall into step with LIFE as it's doing the charleston and you can only waltz.
A good dose of patience is excellent in situations such as these:
1. Waiting for dough to rise. Do not rush this part. It is crucial to the flavor and the texture of the bread/rolls that you are making!
2. Being a good significant other. Take time to listen, learn, and experience all the things that your partner is doing. Understand each other and engage in mutual generosity. (Being patient might also mean a ring ladies!) So don't push it and just let it ride.
3. Getting something published. There will be a thousand rejection letters, but there will eventually be that one 'yes' that you have been yearning for. It is totally worth the wait.
4. Working/dealing with someone who bugs the living daylights out of you. Holy asparagus they are annoying! But if you keep that cucumber calm demeanor, you will surely get things taken care of and handled properly rather than steering right into a messy confrontation. A lot of vegetable references in this one....
5. Less stress. Don't we all want less stress in our lives? Well, exercising the art of good patience will not only calm your nerves and twitches and anxieties with time and practice, but it will also lessen the amount of stress in your life. Meditation and yoga are excellent ways to accomplish this! Love my yoga.
Of course there are multiple scenarios where patience can come in handy, so exercise it and use it as often as you can so that you can better it as a worthy weapon of power.
Guuurrrrllll you got this.
Send me stories and experiences of how you use patience!