Death is one of the scariest concepts we can ponder, witness, and eventually experience.
It is a big part of the human condition to fear what we naturally do not understand and cannot control or prevent. We forget that we do not live forever despite our best intentions to be healthy and invest in anti-aging products. What we forget is that it is also natural.
Dieing is a part of life. The greatest paradox known to mankind.
Just this week alone I have lost two fantastic beings, one being a pet (my betta fish Castle) as well as a parent of a very close friend. I can't say I ever met them, but I do know that they were a huge part of my friend's life, someone to look up to, someone to love, someone who was a really great father.
It's strange how much we come to appreciate life when it is lost. If anything, it's moments like these where we become more human, more aware of how precious and transient life is.
I only hope that you, whoever you are, take a moment to really appreciate everything you have. Every breath. Every heartbeat. Every muscle movement. Every feeling. And every smile.
I know...pretty deep. But I thought it would be a good way of getting my jumbled thoughts out to people who would read and listen and absorb.
Absorb away my little sponges of wisdom!
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