Hello Hello Hello there my fine and dandy readers!
T'is the time of year where we are all stuffed with countless sugary goods and spending time with loved ones and family and friends. I simply wished to peek my nose in here and wish you all a very Merry Christmas, hoping that Santa paid you all a visit and delivered many goodies! Since Christmas has already come and gone, I am also here to wish you all a Happy New Year! Start making your resolutions now, 2012 is sneaking up on us!
Once school starts and we all hit the ground running, I shall be back in business with (hopefully) semi-regular updates and hilarious stories to share. I am gathering them as we speak!
So stay happy and healthy, bake many tasty things, share stories, give hugs and kisses, and last but not least raise your glasses of bubbly and toast this fine year of 2011!
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