“Just think of it as you're being let go, that your life's going in a different direction, that your body's part of a permanent outplacement.”
You know…it really sucks when a door that you’ve been walking through every single week for a good number of years suddenly locks and you can’t come back in. It’s like someone put a big fat sign on the door that says “No girls allowed”. And even if you try the door, it’s locked. Looking for the key is pointless, because they have it and they’re huddled together inside giggling. Boo.
Well, that’s either the moment where you pull a Robin Hood and climb the nearest tree and swing in on a vine, or make like Humphrey Bogart and tuck your hands in your trench coat pockets and simply walk away from the plane and take it like a man.
“Here’s looking at you, kid….”
Despite my undying love for Robin Hood and his tights, I find that given this situation, it is better to just leave quietly and enjoy all the good memories.
Have you ever had that happen? You walk into work one day and suddenly your boss approached you, saying that budgets are being cut and they can’t afford to keep you. Suddenly, whatever spark you had in your heart that day is completely snuffed.
Experience doesn’t matter. How much time and hard work you’ve put in doesn’t matter.
You’re just…being let go.
Well shucks.
Now I know how Genie felt at the end of Aladdin. When he’s told he’s free and he’s staring at the empty bangles in his hands and he has that moment where he doesn’t know what to do with himself anymore. I haven’t quite gotten to the next part where he’s bouncing everywhere exclaiming excitedly that he’s free and packing his suitcase to see the world. I’m still wondering what will come next.
Well, we shall figure that out now, won’t we?
I guess this is the part in the story where I cue the Indiana Jones music and ride off into the sunset, leaving the viewers’ imaginations to figure out what happens next.
Keep smiling, adventure is out there
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