Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If You Just Believe

Methinks Mr. Josh Groban said it best, “you have everything you need, if you just believe.”

(I got to see him LIVE in concert on the 15th, needless to say I melted into a tiny little puddle of sheer bliss and happiness.)

Ahem. But let me ask you this, do you believe? No I am not about to go all “preachy” on you. Seriously though, I mean, do you truly actually with all that you are and with all your heart…believe?

“Believe in what?” you ask. I’m not asking you to believe in fairies, but you better clap your hands just in case!

Quite simply, I am asking if you believe in yourself.

Have you forgiven yourself for the mishaps and the mistakes you have made? We are human, even the best of us make mistakes. What would life be without its curveballs and pitfalls? Yes we condemn them when they happen, we shake our fists in fury and swear like sailors.

But when was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back and really smiled at yourself in the mirror?

A lot of the time we find life passing us by too quickly, we never take a moment to say “Stop stop STOP! Hold up, just give me two seconds.” Take a deep breath, look around you. For goodness sake relax. Life loves to put on its running shoes and go at a contant speed of 600 miles a second when we can only run 80 miles a minute.

Take those polietely requested two seconds to really appreciate life. Seconds are ticking away constantly. That is the beautiful and ugly thing about time, it goes at a steady pace, coming when we want it to and even when we don’t want it to. It’s an invisible thing that rules us all, yet we believe in it. Especially when we begin to see those crow’s feet in the corners of our eyes and feel the weakness in our bones and hair coming out of our ears.

There are people all over the world who believe in things that they cannot see. I do the same. I believe in things I cannot see or touch or taste or smell, but I have the courage to put my faith and trust in the things that are looking out for me, even the mischievous muses that come in and out of my life providing me with the inspiration to write.
(end of rant)

If you have to absorb and learn something from this blog entry, it’s that you should believe in not only the invisible, but also believe in the visible. Believe in yourself. Even if the weight of the world is too much for you to bear, you failed a test, love sucks, your parents are nagging you, your pet died, you forgot to pay a bill on time, you got fired, whatever. Life is certainly not fair, people have the power to make you miserable, but one thing they cannot take away from you is your belief. It is a flame that stays lit as long as YOU kindle it and take care of it. If you believe in yourself, everything becomes a little easier.

Smile. Today is all yours. You got this. I’m behind you 110%. I love you.

Go to my other blog to read my short stories: http://short--flashes.blogspot.com/


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