T'is a new year, full of new opportunities, a fresh start, a second chance. :)
So far this year seems exactly the same as the last, but I am hoping that once I return to campus all of that will swiftly change. New classes will begin right away and we will all be re-cooperated from a long and glorious break.
My Christmas was absolutely fantastic! I got to spend the first of three weeks of vacation with my boyfriend and his family as they celebrated their Christmas festivities early. Then we drove back to my home on Christmas day and got a chance to unwrap gifts with my family too. I hope there are many more wonderful Christmases like this still to come!
As for adventures since then, it's been pretty relaxing. My family and I have recently gotten terribly addicted to the t.v. series called "Castle". We watch approximately 3 episodes every evening and we CANNOT get enough. The characters in that show are unique and have faceted personalities that make them both believable and lovable. I find it hard to connect with characters sometimes nowadays because they are too cheesy, however, the relationship between Castle and Detective Beckett is classic. I am always eager to see what they will do next! (So if you haven't checked out this t.v. series, I would highly suggest you do because it is awesome)
Another new exciting piece of information..........
Drum roll please........
I have a fish!
Yeah I know....to some it may not be earth-shatteringly exciting, but I am ecstatic! I wanted one for my dorm room just because they are simple pets and are fun little creatures. I got a male betta fish, and he is REALLY pretty. He's a shimmery turquoise blue with bits of red on his fins and his face. Just a lovely little guy and I think he will be a wonderful addition to our room.
So far we are waiting (impatiently) for the water we put in his new tank to reach room temperature. It will be an over-night thing since betta fish need warm water to live in, so tomorrow he will be in his new tank and have plenty of room to swim in!
Soon, he will also have a Spongebob Squarepants pineapple to hide in as well.
What is his name you ask?
We were debating between Fitzwilliam Darcy, as well as Rick Castle. After a pretty convincing argument, he is now dubbed Rick Castle. (Due to our new obsession to the t.v. show no doubt)
But he is just peachy, and eager to get out of that little cup the petstores keep them in! The water he came in is blue....it almost looks like he's swimming in Windex. Seems fishy to me.... I know, bad pun.
Just for a visual, he would look very similar to this little guy I found on the interwebs:

Anyway that is all the excitement going on around here. I am going to try and attack a story of mine tonight to try and get through this blasted Writer's Block that seems to have me in a rut. The creative juices are being denied to the word-smith. Cannot has inspiration.
So cross your fingers and send me good thoughts so that I may progress in my novel!
I hope you all are having a very VERY good new year and that there are wonderful things still to come. Love with all your heart and laugh as often as you can.
Stay happy and healthy!
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