I figured out a clever way to smash double stuff oreos into oblivion. Instead of driving my roommates insane with my excited chocolate truffle making, I put the entire bag of oreos into a grocery bag, then put that bag into another one, and then stomped away. Works like a dream.
I made cookies and cream truffles. I tempered chocolate in a microwave. And they are DELICIOUS. I am very proud of my homemade alternative to expensive Valentine's Day chocolates. They were well praised. :)
Also I woke up this morning with a heavy cold. I did not even see it coming, if anything it was the epitome of an "unwelcome guest". I have been fuzzy-brained and sniffling all day. This is not to be born. I have a very important date this saturday where I will be all dolled up and fitted into a dress and having my hair done. Ladies, you will understand me when I say that this cold is not going to ruin my Cinderella night. So, like the reasonable college student that I am, I have been drinking orange juice and taking my vitamins and just keeping warm and snuggly all day long so that I can make a speedy recovery for being in heels and dancing this weekend! Cross your fingers and wish this Disney Princess luck so that her nose isn't all swelled up and red for the ball!
Stay happy and healthy, and indulge in all those chocolates your loved one got you yesterday, I know I am!
If you do not have a loved one this year, go and raid the chocolate isle today, seriously, why are you still reading this? Go and get your discount chocolate!